I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, September 1, 2017

Letters to Heaven: You Walk Beside Me

“For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” —ISAIAH 41:13

September 1, 2009

Dear Jesus:

I have not come to our private garden, our "Sacred Garden," in quite a while. But here I am, once again. It's raining in the garden today, but under the big "framboyan" I can hide from the rain. I hope You drop by for a visit.

I'm beginning to see signs of hope that Rafi is healing. Yesterday he was playing with Chabeli and Alex at dinner time. They were all singing "Ole, ole, ole, ole..." They were laughing and having a great time. Afterwards, he was feeling strong enough to go out. He went with Chabeli and her friends to a "comedy club." Thank You, Jesus, for healing my son, and for always walking beside him.

As I was searching through my things, I found a little book of poems. I opened it at random, and this is what I read:

"When life's road seems dark and foreboding, 
and the hills too steep to climb, 
and you know you are going to stumble 
in simply a matter of time, 
don't stop walking, 
just slow down, 
and you'll find some time each day 
to enjoy the countless wonders 
God has placed along the way.
If the going gets too tough 
and you really could use a friend, 
remember God walks beside you, 
as He will till your journey's end.
Just reach out and call His name.
He'll gently take your hand, 
he'll guide you and protect you, 
and help you understand that life is never easy.
There will be joy and sorrow, 
but if you turn to Him,
He'll get you through each 'tomorrow.'"

Doris A. Orth

Thank You, Jesus, for always walking beside me. Thank You for always guiding and protecting my family.

I love You, Jesus!!!

September 1, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for all the blessings that You have placed in my life. Thank You for holding my hand when the going got too tough. Thank You for always being my friend, for guiding me, and for protecting me on each step of my journey.

Thank You for getting me through each "tomorrow."
I love You, Jesus!!!

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