I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Feeling Loopy Doopy

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” —John 15:5

September 7, 2010

Dear Jesus:

These past two weeks have been quite busy. I have spent a lot of time with Chabeli between shopping to acquire all the last minute items and packing for her three-month study abroad trip. I'm squeezing as much time as I can with her. I'm already missing her. Please, Jesus, keep her safe.

Alex is doing fine in school. He's also had a lot of after-school activities between football games, parties and club meetings. I went to his school open house last week. I like all his teachers this year. He does too. I think it's going to be a good year for him. Please, Jesus, keep him in the right path.

Rafi went to Islands of Adventure two weekends ago. We have tried to squeeze as much time as possible with him. He's very excited about programming, and about the classes that he's planning to take. It's so good to see him doing so well. He found out this week that he can take the "Borges" class with Mario Vargas-Llosa. He's ecstatic because Borges is his favorite Spanish author, and the fact that the class is being taught by another famous author is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Please, Jesus, keep him healthy.

Today, I'm feeling loopy doopy because my babies are leaving soon. We had a weekend of good-bye parties and now reality hit me hard. Rafi will be leaving in five days and Chabeli in seven.

They are in your hands, Jesus. Please protect them and give me the joy to know that they are fine and happy wherever they are.

I love You, Jesus!!!

September 14, 2010

Dear Jesus:

I just dropped off Chabeli at the airport. Surprisingly, I did not shed any tears. I am crying inside, though. She's not even inside the plane yet and I miss her like crazy. She's in your hands, Jesus. Please keep her safe.

The past couple of days have been a rollercoaster of emotions, from feeling excited, to feeling blue, to feeling loopy doopy. Rafi left on Sunday, two days after celebrating his 22nd birthday. For the first time since he started college, I did not go to the airport to bid him good-bye. Rafael took him while I stayed behind helping Chabeli pack. She managed to fit everything she wanted to take between two suitcases, a carry-on, and a backpack. You would think that she's going to be gone for a whole year. 
Last night we had a special supper of "arroz relleno," Chabeli's favorite. Afterwards, we gave her a stuffed monkey because she thought that in Canterbury there were monkeys running around wildly. In the middle of dinner, Rafe was the one that got all loopy doopy, and soon, we were all crying. Well, all except Alex. He handed out the tissues.

As much as I know that I'm going to miss Chabeli, I am so proud of her, Jesus, for taking this big step. Please help her to have an awesome experience. Let all the memories be good ones. I entrust her to You like You entrusted her to me 21 years ago. Jesus, take care of my baby girl, please.

I love You, Jesus!!!

September 7, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Today I'm feeling loopy doopy but for a very different reason than I did seven years ago. I'm feeling loopy doopy because of this hurricane that is threatening our peace and our safety.

I have been putting in practice what I read yesterday in my daily reflection: "Do everything in dependence on me. The desire to act independently—apart from Me—springs from the root of pride. Self-sufficiency is subtle, insinuating its way into your thoughts and actions without your realizing it. But apart from Me, you can do nothing: that is, nothing of eternal value. My deepest desire for you is that you learn to depend on Me in every situation." Sarah Young in Jesus Calling

I am trying to rely on You to prepare for the storm. I see people running around in circles, feeling anxious and overwhelmed. When those feelings threaten to overwhelm me, I say a prayer to You. Living in dependence of You is so much easier than when I try to handle it on my own. I prayed to You to help me find water when it seemed that it was sold out everywhere. You led me to Publix at the precise moment that the truck arrived with a shipment of water. And it's been like that every step of the way: I filled the gas tank without lines, I didn't have to wait too long at Publix to pay, and I found everything that I needed. I was even able to get a haircut in the midst of all the preparations.

So why am I still feeling loopy doopy? I think it's the news that is scaring me to death. Maybe I should just turn off the news and sit quietly with You.

I love You, Jesus!!! Please calm the storm.

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