I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, September 11, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Today is a Gift

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." —Psalm 118:24

September 11, 2007

Dear Jesus:

Every year on this date I will forever remember the terrible events that took place six years ago. I will always recall where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news. I rushed home, turned on the TV, and watched in horror as the story unfolded.

That day made me realize how vulnerable we are, and how life was altered in a second for so many families who lost a loved one. I remember asking You, "Why?" You did not answer me but since that day, I have learned not to take anything for granted. I cherish every second of life that You have given me because life is a gift to be valued. I enjoy every minute that I get to spend with my husband and my children because having them in my life is a gift to be savored.

My oldest son will be spending most of the next four years away from me. I had him by my side for 19 years but now he's ready to start the next chapter in his life. I hold dear in my heart every hour that I have spent with him, just as I will treasure every minute that I get to spend with him in the future because I know that from now on they will be scarce and far between.

You have given me the gift of three children. I will care for the two that remain at home, spending every available minute that I have with them, and enjoying all their activities.

I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I have today. Today is a day to be enjoyed. Today is a day like no other. Today is different than yesterday and not the same as tomorrow. Today, I will be the best person that I can be. Today, I will be available for my family in whatever they may need. Today, I will be the best wife to my husband, the best mother to my children, and the best daughter to my parents. Today, my eyes will be open to see, my ears will be ready to listen, my hands will be ready to touch, my lips will be ready to kiss, and my tongue will know when to talk and when to be quiet.

Today is a gift that You, Jesus, have given me. I will not allow it to go to waste. Thank You, Jesus, for today.

I love You, Jesus!!!

September 11, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Today is a gift. I am writing to you from Columbia, South Carolina. If You had told me a week ago that I would be here this week, I would have answered You, "Are You kidding me? Why would I be in Columbia?" But here I am. Instead of storm chasers, the storm chased us away. We first went to the west, then back to the east, and ended up all the way up here. Even though a part of me wonders why we left, I have no regrets. We got to spend an unexpected family vacation. We got to see friends that we had not seen in a very long time. And we are safe from the storm. Now we just have to figure out when is the best time to return and which is the safest route to take. But I know that You will guide us.

I want to pray today for all those innocent souls that lost their lives sixteen years ago in the worst terrorist attack the world has ever seen. I also want to pray for all those families that have lost a loved one during this horrific hurricane that is still causing havoc throughout Florida.

Today is a gift, Jesus, and even though I wish I was back in Miami getting ready for another trip, I am thankful that I am alive, that part of my family is here with me, and that all my friends and family back in Miami, survived the storm with minimal damage.

Thank You, Jesus, for today.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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