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I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Letters to Heaven: On the Road to Emmaus

"Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road?" Luke 24:32

September 26, 2009

Dear Jesus:

Here I am, sitting at the foot of the cross. I am in front of You, in the chapel of Casa Manresa, while the Belen Emmaus is taking place.

Jesus, I want to pray for the team, starting with the leaders and ending with the helpers. Please help them to be transparent so that everyone can see You through them and in them. Help them to be able to keep the team united as one body. Let nothing disturb the peace that they are trying to keep in place. Let them understand that their duty as servants is to keep their eyes on You all the time.

I want to pray for the table leaders. They have a big job because they are your ears, your mouth, your eyes... They are the closest to the retreatants. It is through them that the retreatants will open up or remain closed. Help them to be humble, loving, caring and understanding. Help them to listen without judging. Help them understand that their job is just to be your instruments. An instrument of peace and love.

I want to pray for the talks. Let the women assigned to witness be a true reflection of your love for them. May they open up their hearts so that the retreatants can see You within their hearts.

I want to pray for the "Martha's": the kitchen helpers, logistics, and all the women that have worked and are working very hard to make this retreat possible. Allow them to understand that everything they are doing, they are doing it for You. It doesn't matter if things are perfect, what matters is how much love they put in the doing.

I want to pray for the Blessed Sacrament prayer team. They are at your feet the entire weekend, praying, meditating... They are the backbone of the retreat. Bless them, Jesus, with your love, your peace, and the knowledge that You are here with them.

Last but not least, I want to pray for the retreatants. May their hearts be opened to feel You, to hear You, to love You. Please, Jesus, come out and meet them in the road to Emmaus. Don't let them leave without seeing your face.

I love You, Jesus!!!

September 26, 2017

Dear Jesus:

The Emmaus retreat of fall 2009 was the first one that I was not part of the team. I didn't participate in the spring retreats because of tax season, but I had been able to actively participate on every fall retreat until that year. I was dealing with Rafi's illness, and I just wasn't ready to open up and share all the pain in my heart. I did go to the Blessed Sacrament, and spent a few hours there with You. How peaceful I feel when I sit at your feet. I wish I could sit there forever. 

While I was there, I felt the love of my Emmaus sisters. Some of them suspected that something was very wrong, but they were too respectful to ask me. Susy, Berny, and Maria came over and hugged me. I felt like You were hugging me. Thank You for my Emmaus sisters, for their love and their prayers. Even though they didn't even know what was going on, they were supporting me and praying for my family. I knew that when the time was right, I would come out of my cocoon, and open up like a butterfly. I returned to the Emmaus last December, and for the first time, I was able to share a small piece of our story. 

Thank You, Jesus, for my community of faith. We pray for each other. We support each other. We encourage each other. We rejoice during happy occasions and we cry when the storms of life affect one of our members. We truly are your Body here on earth. Please, allow Emmaus to continue touching the lives of many men and women that would not otherwise have the opportunity to meet You. Please, Jesus, continue encountering us on the road to Emmaus.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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