I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Growing Up too Fast

"You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once." Polish Proverb

September 19, 2009

Dear Jesus:

Last night, Alex attended his first dance at Lourdes. Wow! When did he get so big? He was in kindergarten not so long ago, and now, he's in high school. How did this happen?

My baby grew up too fast. I can't say that I didn't notice it because I have enjoyed every stage of his growth. I was very fortunate that just a few days after he was born, the bank that I worked for got sold. I became unemployed, I started my own business, and I had all the freedom in the world to spend time with Alex. I was present for every milestone: his first step, his first word, the first time that he jumped out of the playpen... We were so attached to each other, that he was the first one to go to school because Rafe was afraid that I would turn him into a "mama's boy." He had a bad case of "mamitis."

He was two-years-old when he started in Granada Day School. It was just two days a week but it was so hard to leave him there. He cried and I cried. Now, just twelve years later, he's attending high school dances, chasing girls, getting pimples, and I have all the memories stored away in a special compartment of my brain.

Thank You, Jesus, for the gift of Alex.

I love You, Jesus!!!

September 27, 2009

Dear Jesus:

A few days ago, we went to the Belen Awards Ceremony. Alex won his first award at Belen: "President's Education Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence." On our way there, we were bugging him that he was probably going to get a medal in PE. Instead, he got this award that is very hard to get. He has to have a 3.5 GPA, and at least an 85% in the standardized tests. He had both so we are very proud of him.

It's been hard for him to walk in his brother's shadow, always trying to fit into his shoes. But he's making his own place, and a name for himself at Belen. He's not a straight A student but that's fine. He gets all As and Bs with an occasional C. I'm very proud of him because he's trying very hard, and this year, he has very difficult classes. He's taking AP World History, Geometry, Biology... it's a very advanced curriculum for 9th grade, but he's handling it very well.

Jesus, please help Rafe and me to always show him how proud of him we are, and of all his accomplishments.

I love You, Jesus!!!

September 19, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Sometimes, I hear the new generation of moms and dads say things like: "Oh, I can't wait until he walks." "I'm looking forward until she's in school." I want to scream at them, "Slow down. Don't rush it. Enjoy today. Your babies will be all grown up in the blink of an eye." I realized this with Rafi and Chabeli. I was working full time at the time so my time with them basically consisted of meeting their basic necessities: feeding them, bathing them, putting them to sleep, taking them to the doctor, etc. By the time I realized it, they were in school, and I was always running from school to after-school activities.

When Alex was born, I decided to slow down and take it easy. Of course, it was handed to me in a silver platter because I lost my job. I could have taken the easy route of finding another full time job, but I decided to take a year off, enjoy Alex's first year of life, and in the process, get my feet wet in the small business world. I loved it. I loved being a mom, and I loved being my own boss. I became an active part of my kids' life. And they still grew up too fast. But I have all the memories stored away in my heart, and in lots of photo albums. I was an active part of their lives. I went on every field trip. I was present on every school activity. I had time to sit on the floor with them and play. And the best part was that I didn't have to ask permission to a boss or sneak out through the back door. Yes, I actually did that a few times while I was working at the bank. I was my own boss, and I set my own hours. My kids became my most important clients, and I was able to enjoy every minute of their young lives.

Now that they are all grown up, I'm very proud of the young men and woman they have become. They are all completely different from each other. It's hard to imagine they were all raised up together. But we have to treat each child individually. Many times we have the tendency to compare. I know that I've made that mistake once too many times. But I would not change a single thing from any one of my kids. Their differences and distinct personalities is what makes them who they are. And I'm very happy that they are true to themselves, and have not tried to become someone else.

If I can give some advice to all young parents, I would tell them, Jesus, to put away their electronic devices until after their kids go to sleep. I would say: Be present, fully present. Sit down on the floor with them. Listen to them. Don't rush any stages. Enjoy the one that you are in. If you have more than one child, don't compare them. Treat each one individually. Don't push them to become a different person. Not every child can be smart. Not every child can be good in sports. Find their passion, and allow them to pursue it freely. Sit back, and enjoy the adventure.

I know that many moms need to work full time, they don't have a choice. But I would tell them to take a day off once in a while to go on a field trip with their kids. And when they get home exhausted from a full day of work, I would say: Don't take it out on your kids. Spend time with them. Help them with their homework. Play with them. You can rest once they go to sleep. Children grow up much too fast. Before you know it, you will have an empty house, and too much time on your hands. Don't rush, for one day you will wish you had more time.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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