I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Parenthood is for Life... There is No Retirement

"Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray." Proverbs 22:6

September 28, 2010

Dear Jesus:

All my babies are happy so I am happy. Alex is doing fine in school, more or less. He brought a C in Spanish in his report card already. Not a good start. Rafe took away the football games. I would have preferred it if he had taken away the video games instead. As far as everything else, Alex is doing great. He's playing tennis three times a week, he continues with his guitar lessons, he has a great group of friends, and he's just a happy kid. Jesus, keep him always happy.

Rafi has settled back at Princeton. We have been talking to him two to three times per week. He's happy with all his classes. He has not complained about his roommates or anything else for that matter. Jesus, I pray for him. I leave him in your hands to protect and to guide through the path of righteousness.

My Chabeli is also doing really well. I'm so proud of her. The first few days in London were rough because she got sick to her stomach. But she handled it like a trooper. Once she got to the university, she got a cold, "the fresher's flu," she said. Please Jesus, keep her healthy. Don't let her get sick while she's so far away. Other than those minor inconveniences, she has been handling the separation from us mighty well. She was a bit homesick at the beginning, but now she's enjoying the experience. She has made a bunch of new international friends. She enjoyed her 21st birthday to the max. Her new and old friends even baked her a cake with candles and all. They also went to celebrate at a bar. I have seen the pictures, and she looks beautiful and happy. All the technology of the 21st century is quite amazing. I have been able to talk to her every single day either by phone, video-skype, chat through Facebook or text message. I get to read her blog and see her pictures. It makes it so much easier to be a parent. This weekend they are going to Edinburgh. Please, keep them safe Jesus. Keep all bad thieves and bad spirits far, far away from them. Guard them and protect them. Send an army of angels to watch over them.

I love You, Jesus!!!

September 28, 2017

Dear Jesus;

This past weekend, Alex was involved in a bad car accident in Connecticut. Thank You for protecting him, Jesus. It could have been so much worst. He was hit on the passenger side so he didn't sustain any injuries. Thank You also because he was alone. If someone had been sitting on that side, it would have been bad. I also want to thank You because You sent him a humble and polite police officer, and the person on the other car was also very nice to Alex. Thank You for always surrounding my babies with angels.

We were at a restaurant when we got the call. Funny that we had just finished toasting to parenthood, since we were celebrating 28 years since we had our second child. Rafael said: "Can we retire already from parenthood?" Not a minute had passed since he uttered those words, when his phone rang and Alex was on the line telling him that he had crashed. I guess there is no retirement from parenthood. This club is for life.

We were supposed to be in Vienna when he called us. Our trip was postponed because of hurricane Irma. You knew that it was much better for us to receive that phone call at 7 pm in Miami than at 1 am in Vienna. Thank You, Jesus, for changing our plans.

Please, protect all our babies. Surround them with angels. Keep them safe and guarded at all times.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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