I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, September 29, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Surrendering My Agenda

"Even when God's will does not correspond to your own desires, it is always beneficial for you." — St. Arnold Janssen

September 29, 2011

Dear Mama Mary:

You are visiting our home this week. I just finished praying a rosary asking You to intercede for Baby Nico. Please, Mother, ask your Son to heal him if it is His will. Give strength to Caro, Alina, and their whole family as they walk through their valley of tears. Give them endurance as they cross the ring of fire. I know the pain that they are feeling because I have felt it too. My heart goes out to them. You also know the pain they are feeling because You have felt it too. Please, Mother, give them a ray of hope.

I have started my Bible classes at St. Louis. This year, we are studying St. Paul's Letters to the Corinthians. What an amazing apostle St. Paul was. I was asked to lead one of the small groups. My first reaction was "I can't do it, I don't have the time." However, I decided to pray about it. After praying, my answer was still "no," mostly because of tax season. I can't take so much time with all the pressure that tax season places on my shoulders. I called Joan and I told her that I couldn't make the commitment. Obviously, your Son had other plans because Joan called me back and asked me if I could commit until January. At this point, I didn't have any more excuses so I said "yes." I really wanted to participate more actively in the Emmaus retreat this semester but your Son is obviously pushing me in a different direction. I was just reading the letter that I wrote him last month where I surrendered my agenda to Him. Well, He certainly took care of that for me.

I know that I am doing His will because I feel full of joy and filled with the Holy Spirit. I have a group of twelve beautiful ladies that are eager to grow closer to your Son. They want to increase their faith. I hope I can serve your Son well by being a good example of humility. I hope I can help these ladies get closer to Him. In the process, I know that I will also grow closer to Him and my faith will increase.

Now, I dedicate two mornings a week to the Bible class. On Tuesday mornings, I meet with Joan and the other group leaders to prepare the lesson. Please, Mother, intercede for Joan, the leaders and the participants. Keep the enemy away.

Please, continue to intercede for Baby Nico.

I love You, Mama Mary, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom

September 29, 2017

Dear Mama Mary:

This year, our Bible study is all about You. I'm so excited. We've only had one lesson and I have learned so much about You already. You have such an important role in salvation history. I had never pictured You as a warrior, but You go to battle every day for us. You have been in constant battle with Satan. He despises You so much, but You will win the battle. I know that sometimes it seems that the world is turning evil, but I believe that the majority of humanity is good, and when push comes to shove, they will turn to God.

Six years ago, our whole community of faith was praying for Baby Nico who was very sick. Today, I want to say a special prayer for his mom, Caro, who is expecting her third baby. Losing Baby Nico was the hardest thing she ever had to go through, but your Son blessed her with a beautiful baby girl, Bella Nicole, three years later. I know that Baby Nico has a special place in heaven, and he will live forever in Caro's heart, as well as in the hearts of everyone that knows this beautiful family. I picture, You, Mama Mary, rocking him to sleep every night. Please, fill Caro with your blessings so that she will bring another beautiful, healthy, baby girl into this world next year.

Today, I'm leaving to Europe. I was supposed to have left two weeks ago, but your Son had a different plan. It shouldn't surprise me. My agenda is always different than His. But I'm surrendering it to Him, and I'll let Him lead the way. Please, Mama Mary, accompany us on this trip, and please,  watch over my babies like You always do.

I love You, Mama Mary!!!

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