I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, March 5, 2018

Step #21-Embracing Everyone

“Amen, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own native place.” Luke 4:24

Monday of the Third Week of Lent (March 16, 2009)

Do you ever feel like your own family doesn’t take you seriously? The closer you get to God, the weirder they think you are. I have been told in the past that I was becoming a fanatic, that maybe I should become a nun, and so on. Our own family members some times can be the hardest on us because they know us as we used to be and they don’t understand the person God wants us to be, so they can be very cruel.

That is exactly what happened to Jesus in today’s Gospel reading. He was rejected by his own friends, his own family members… they knew Him as a simple carpenter so they could not understand Him as a prophet, the Son of God.

How about us? Do we sometimes do the same thing to others? Yesterday we had a wedding in our family. It was a wedding performed under two different religions and it was absolutely beautiful. The two ministers (one representing the Anglican church and the other one representing the Catholic faith) did a beautiful job of explaining the differences, yet uniting them under the same God. There is only one God and it is the same God for Jewish, Baptist, Anglicans, Methodists, Catholics, etc. We humans are the ones that complicate everything. Most of us know someone close to us that practices a different religion. Do we embrace them or do we reject them?

Jesus wants us to love everyone the same, it does not matter what they practice. He wants us to accept every one for whom they are and if somewhere along the way they start to change, let us accept the new person they are becoming. After all, we also used to be caterpillars and tadpoles and we are in the process of becoming butterflies and frogs. Jesus loved the old us, but He wants us to transform in the beautiful persons we are meant to be.

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