I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, March 23, 2018

Step #40-Jesus Died for me

“Many of the Jews who had… seen what Jesus had done began to believe in him.” John 11:45

Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent (April 4, 2009)

Jesus had to perform many signs to get the Jews to believe in Him. Even with the signs, many did not believe and planned to kill Him. Blessed are we because we have not seen yet we believe. We have to believe in Him otherwise we would not be walking this journey, we would not be following Him.

Our journey is about to get better, because we are approaching the end. We are entering Holy Week, the best part is yet to come. Every step we take from today until Easter will be very rewarding. We need to believe with all our heart to be able to stay on the path.

Jesus is about to die on the cross for each one of us, individually. How much more do we want from Him? We need to let Him touch our hearts, we need to let Him enter our hearts, we need to let Him use us for whatever it is He needs us. He is walking next to us, take the hand He is offering you. Don’t let Him get away. He will change your life.

Tell yourself over and over, “Jesus died for me.”

Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent (March 24, 2018)

I am posting this earlier than usual because I will soon board an airplane on route to Switzerland. It will be the stepping stone to get me to Israel. This year, God willing, I will be spending the holiest days of our faith in Israel. It has been my biggest wish for many years to visit the Holy Land. It seems like the time has finally arrived. I will walk where Jesus walked. I will pray where Mama Mary prayed. I will renew my wedding vows where Jesus performed His first miracle. I still feel like I’m dreaming. Please keep the entire group of pilgrims that will be joining us on this pilgrimage in your prayers. I, in turn, will carry all of you and your prayer requests in my heart, and I will deposit them at the foot of the cross, where our Lord one day opened His arms, and gave His life for you and me.

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