I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Step #34-He is Helping Us Carry Our Cross

“Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me.” John 12:26

Fifth Sunday of Lent (March 29, 2009)

This week has been a complete disaster as far as walking these steps with you early in the morning, and for that I apologize. However, today was a mini Easter celebration for me. I don’t know if you recall, but back on Step #6 we talked about the fact that every Sunday during Lent we would celebrate a “little Easter.” Usually every year, I go to confession on Good Friday. Yesterday I decided I was not going to wait until Good Friday this year and I went to confession in the afternoon. It was a total cleansing of soul and spirit. I felt renewed and invigorated. Now, I just have to try very hard to remain sinless until Easter Sunday. It won’t be easy.

Today I woke up very early to take my son Rafi to the airport. He came down from New Jersey, where he goes to school, on Thursday night, and the whole weekend felt like a hurricane. This child of mine, God bless him, can be so complex and difficult at times. The things he comes up with… anyway, that’s a whole different story. This morning on the way to the airport we had a long talk. I almost had to walk with him through security because he would not stop talking. Once he left, I felt complete peace. I just knew in my heart that everything would be fine. I grabbed my husband by the hand and we did something out of the ordinary. We went to Hollywood Beach for breakfast. We just sat at a café and we cherished the moment. We realized that sometimes we may not have all the answers but once we plant a seed, that seed will eventually grow. We saw the future promise of that seed this morning and it truly felt like a “little Easter.”

When we decide to follow Jesus, we are making a promise to Him that we will serve Him. We may not see the results of our service in our lifetime. All we can do is plant seeds and pray that one day they will grow. Sometimes He may ask us to water the seeds that others planted. The important thing is to know that we cannot do everything, we can only do a tiny fraction of His work. He is only asking us to walk one step at a time, a step along this journey that will eventually take us to Him, with the knowledge that if we serve Him, the Father will honor us and reward us at the end of our journey.

I am very happy today. I can already see the light in the distance. Easter is just two weeks away. This week my cross was a bit heavy to carry, but I felt Jesus next to me helping me. I don’t know how the next two weeks will be, but I do know that I am not alone. Jesus is walking with me and that is the message I would like for all of you to hear today. Only you know how hard this walk has been for you. You may be afraid of what awaits you as this journey concludes, but I want you to know that you are not alone. No matter how heavy your cross is, Jesus is walking with you and He is helping you carry your cross.

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