I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, March 26, 2018

Step #43-My Reward is with the Lord

“Where I am going, you cannot follow me now, though you will follow later.” John 13:36

Tuesday of Holy Week (April 7, 2009)

Jesus has been announcing his death by giving us small hints through our journey, however, He has never come out and said it outright. Today, all He is telling us is that where He is going we cannot follow Him now, but we will follow Him later. Eventually, when our time comes to leave this earth, we will follow Him and meet Him in heaven. Now, we must do our job here on earth. He asks us to do something everyday, do we have ears to listen? Sometimes we need to open the ears of the heart to be able to understand the message.

Sometimes we are on a path and we are very happy because everything is going well, the path is smooth and we are actually enjoying ourselves. We think we are doing what God wants from us and when we think we finally figured it out, He throws us a “curve ball” and we have to change courses.

I got my “curve ball” yesterday. It’s a small detour on the road but it’s an unexpected detour. It looks like we have a major plumbing problem at home, a broken pipe underneath the kitchen floor. It’s the main pipe and that is why we’ve been having problems in the master bathroom. Today, the problems began in the other bathroom. It looks like we are going to need to move out of the house, probably cancel the trip we had scheduled for next week to visit our older son and a few other inconveniences… However, through this whole situation, I am trying really hard to remain positive and to focus on the fact that “my reward is with the Lord.” Isaiah 49:4

I started today’s step over two hours ago. I have been interrupted, I had to rush back to the house and it looks like it’s going to be a long day on this journey, but I am placing all my trust in the Lord that He will see me through this ordeal and at the end I will still be sane. The next few steps may be a bit disorganized. I may start them early in the morning or late in the day. If you don’t hear from me, keep me in your prayers since I may be running around trying to juggle everything. I know that as long as I keep Jesus in the center, I will be able to keep the rings in the air.

Whatever we are going through in life, whatever detours we find in our journey, whatever obstacles we have to jump, as long as we keep our attention focused on Jesus, everything will be all right. He is the reason for our existence and our reward is not in this world. We will find our reward when we encounter Him at the end of our journey.

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