I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, March 12, 2018

Step #28-He never abandons us

“Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will not believe." John 4:48

Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent (March 23, 2009)

I apologize for sending this so late today. However, I know that if I had sent it this morning, it would have been a very negative and impatient meditation, because that is exactly how I felt. I had one of those mornings that everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong… the bathroom clogged, while the plumber was in top of the roof trying to fix it the water overflowed and ran into the bedroom, the bedroom has wooden floors so water is a serious problem… anyway, needless to say I was not a happy camper. I was late to work and I had another problem waiting for me… so I decided it was best if I calmed down before I took step #28.

I’m having lunch now and as I was reading today’s gospel, I realized that being impatient and negative are perfectly normal feelings. Jesus felt them too. In today’s gospel passage He seems a little impatient and negative. Eventually, He gives in to the man’s persistence and performs the miracle. The man will not remember Jesus for his negative response or his impatience, He will remember Him for saving his son.

When we feel upset about something, if we are not in a good mood or if we are just in one of those negative mindsets, it’s best to stop, take a deep breath and don’t make any drastic decisions. It’s also a good idea not to confront anyone because whatever we say or do we may regret it later. It’s better if the people around us remember us for our peace and our smiles rather than for our foul mood.

Mary is also a great listener. Sitting down with her and telling her what we are feeling, why we are upset, why something or someone makes us feel very impatient… it’s a great way to calm down. Seeing things from Mary’s eyes is also a great way to turn a tragedy into a simple mishap. This morning, I thought my wet wooden floors were a tragedy of magnifying proportions. Now, I realize it’s really not that bad. After all, I’m an expert already. We’ve had to change the wooden floors in our bedroom twice already, what’s one more time. The important thing is that we are healthy, our children are fine, we have a job, a house and there’s food on the refrigerator… and we don’t need signs and wonders to believe because we know that Jesus is with us. He never abandons us.

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