I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Step #41-He Died so We could Live

“Truly this man was the Son of God.” Mark 15:39

Palm Sunday (April 5, 2009)

Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. I used to dread Holy Week. I saw it as a somber week. This year I have actually been looking forward to Holy Week. I have changed my perspective. I no longer see it as a somber week, I see it as a week of love.

Do you have someone that loves you so much that he or she would be willing to die for you? Do you have someone that you love so much that you would be willing to die for him or her? If you answered yes to one of these two questions, you are very blessed to experience that kind of love either in the receiving or the giving end. If you answered yes to both questions, you are doubly blessed because you are loved and you love unconditionally.

All of us should have answered yes to the first question. We all know someone that loves us so much that He died for us. Jesus loves us unconditionally, that is why He gave his life for us. This week represents the love that He feels for us. This week as we walk the last steps with Jesus we will realize how lucky we are because we are greatly loved by Him.

In today’s gospel for the first time a human being, the centurion, realizes that Jesus was indeed the Son of God. Jesus does not reveal who He is until His death. It’s the way He dies that gives it away. He died so we could live. How awesome is that? He died so we could live.

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