I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, March 16, 2018

Step #32-Be Ready to be Surprised

"When the Christ comes, no one will know where he is from." John 7:27

Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent (March 27, 2009)

Something I had been praying for happened yesterday. It happened in such an unexpected way, I was having doubts whether God had actually answered my prayers or if what was happening was not really coming from God.

The same thing happened to the Jews. They were expecting the Christ, but Jesus did not meet their expectations. I have no idea what they were expecting, maybe they thought He would arrive in a cloud or surrounded by an indescribable light. They definitely were not expecting Him to be the son of a carpenter or someone poor from their neighborhood.

If Jesus were to come today, would we recognize Him? Would we believe He is truly whom He says He is or would we think He is someone pretending to be the Christ? Most likely, we would be a little fearful and we would have doubts. Even the Catholic Church takes years to accept a miracle. We want to believe, but we have to be cautious. That is exactly what happened 2000 years ago and it’s exactly what happened to me yesterday.

We pray and we pray and we pray for something. Most likely, when Jesus answers our prayer, He will do so in the most unexpected way. He knows what is best for us and sometimes what we ask for needs a little twist. We need to be ready when we ask for something. He may surprise us in the most amazing way.

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