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I'm a little pencil

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Step #33-Unite not Divide

“A division occurred in the crowd because of Him.” John 7:43

Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent (March 28, 2009)

I took this step this morning in front of the Blessed Sacrament. I felt such peace in my heart it made me wonder why I don’t spend more time in the Blessed Sacrament.

As I read today’s gospel, upon seeing how divided the people were 2000 years ago, I couldn’t help think that we are still very divided today.

Christians are completely divided. I don’t know exactly how many different religions we have under the Christian denomination. There is even division within our own Catholic Church.

Our families seem to be divided too. I know parents that don’t even talk to their sons or daughters. There’s sibling rivalry that causes separation between brothers and sisters. There are grandparents forgotten in nursing homes. Many families don’t even have time to sit down and have dinner together.

Jesus came to unite, not to divide. We need to bring Him back to the center of our lives. We need to place Him in the midst of our families. Once we do, we will unite once again and instead of pain and anger residing in our hearts, love will take its place.

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