

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Letters to Heaven: You Live Within my Heart

"Mary came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark." John 20:1

September 23, 2007

Dear Jesus:

I have been searching for You, but I have been looking in all the wrong places. I have been searching for You in the sun, in the moon and the stars. I have been searching for You in the wind and in the rain. I have been searching for You in the flowers and the trees. And You have been hiding from me.

Just like Mary, I have been looking for You early in the morning, before the sun comes out. I expected to see You in a spectacular sunrise, but You, in your wisdom, did not grant me my wish. You wanted me to look within. You wanted me to know that I didn't need a sunrise to find You. You wanted me to know that You are with me in the light and in the dark, in the morning and at night, by the ocean and by the mountain, because You are within my heart.

All this time, You have been within my heart. I have been running around, looking for You everywhere without realizing that all I needed to do was to look within my heart. Like Mary, I did not understand that when You are missing, You are alive. You are alive within my heart. I carry You in my heart.

I love You, Jesus!!!

"And he saw and believed." John 1:8

September 23, 2017

Dear Jesus:

John had to see to believe. I also need to see. I need to see You. It's not enough to feel You. That is why I search for You in the beauty of the sunrise, the moon and the stars. That is why I search for You in the rainbows and the clouds. That is why I try to see You in a butterfly and in the flowers. I look for You in the people that surround me. And I do see You, Jesus.

I see You in the smile of a child. I see You in the beauty of a pregnant woman. I see You in my community of faith, when they are full of the Holy Spirit and they radiate your light from within. I see You in my husband when his face shines with love for me. I see You in my children when they hug me and they kiss me. And when I see You, then I believe. And when I believe, then I can feel You within my heart.

Thank You for living within my heart, Jesus.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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