I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Letters to Heaven: A Prayer for All the Strong Women in my Life

"A woman is like a tea bag: You never know her strength until you drop her in hot water." Nancy Reagan

July 15, 2007

Dear Jesus:

Today I was reading "Life Lessons for Women" and that book inspired me to write. I was reflecting on my life, where I have been and where I am going, and I can truly say that I am very happy with my life. I have accomplished a lot as a mother, as a wife, as a daughter, as a business woman, as a Christian woman, and as a friend. As I look within me, as deeply as I can, I'm happy with the woman I have become. I'm happy with who I am.

When I look at the past, I see a shy girl who was afraid to talk in public. I see a girl who would rather remain within her protective shell. I see a girl that was afraid to stand up for what was right. Today, I see a confident woman, who's not so scare anymore to speak in public. I see a woman who stands up to others if she needs to. I see a woman who defends her rights and the rights of her family without fear. I see a woman that has come out of her shell and who feels happy with whom she is and what she has accomplished.

This past year I have also managed to do something that for me always seemed impossible. I am walking three to four miles on a regular basis. That requires a "WOW." Even Rafe is impressed with me. I am still amazed that I have been able to fit that hour of walking into my busy schedule. And the most amazing part is that I get up to do it at 5:30 am when I have never been a morning person.

Jesus, thank You for helping me find the woman within me. Thank You for creating me just as I am.

I love You, Jesus!!!

July 15, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I wrote that letter to You ten years ago. Little did I know that the past decade was going to be so tough. But thanks to your love and your guidance, I was able to climb every mountain and jump every hurdle. I guess I had to grow first into a confident woman to be able to withstand the hot water.

I am also proud that I have been able to keep my walking commitment all these years. Yes, it's still very tough to get up at 5:30 am. I probably should walk at 3 am. Many nights I'm awake at that time, but if I happen to slumber off, I'm sound asleep when the alarm goes off at 5:21 am. But You give me the push that I need to get out of bed, put on my walking shoes and get moving.

Jesus, today I would like to pray for all the women in my life. They are all wonderful women, but sometimes they don't hear it enough. They are good wives, good mothers, good daughters, great friends, amazing women of faith, and many of them manage to do all that and work full time. The women in my life are sensitive, emotional, and they care a lot about others. They are beautiful on the outside but most importantly, on the inside. Many of them, like me, are starting to get a few wrinkles, but there is nothing to worry about because they are simply wisdom wrinkles.

I know that the women in my life are all reading this blog and they are thinking that I'm not referring myself to them, because they are all so humble. But I am referring myself to all my women friends, sisters, cousins, nieces, mother, and daughter that I know read my blog. You are the strong women in my life and I am blessed because you are in my life.

Jesus, bless all the women in my life today and always. And may they always know how strong they are, without the need to be dropped first in the hot water.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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