I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, July 28, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Walkers, Canes and Wheelchairs

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. —COLOSSIANS 3:15

July 28, 2013

Dear Jesus:

Vacation starts in five days. I can't wait. On Friday, Rafe and I will be flying to New York. We will be there on Saturday, and then on Sunday, we will drive to Connecticut to attend a baptism. On Monday, I will be on my own because Rafe has a business meeting. We fly back on Monday night, and then on Tuesday, we drive to Siesta Key. That is the part that I'm most looking forward to. Peace and relaxation for five days.

Those are the plans but of course, I have learned that many times I tell You my plans and You laugh because You have something else in mind. It's a bit frustrating every time I have to cancel travel plans but I have to trust that You are in charge. You know exactly what we need. I ask You to PLEASE, if it is your will, that You allow this vacation to happen. You know what a tough year we've had, so I beg You to PLEASE allow us to take this much needed break.

Last time I wrote to You, I forgot to mention my dad's 65th year reunion at Belen. As You know, he was not able to attend Alex's graduation because he was in the hospital. But Alex was able to attend his 65th year class reunion. I went too and it was very special to see him with some of his classmates. Many are already in heaven with You. It was a display of walkers, canes, wheelchairs... I joined the group with my broken knee which it's still in a brace. But in spite of their handicaps, they were all there celebrating their brotherhood. It made me realize that we made the right choice to send our boys to Belen. Sixty-five years have passed since my father graduated but he still carries in his heart the love for Belen, the pride of the education he received and the friendship with his old classmates. I hope that my sons one day realize the gift they were given and that they can cherish the Belen tradition for many years to come. I took a picture of my dad and my son. Sixty-five years apart but united by the same bond.

Tomorrow my dad will be having an ultrasound of his good leg. Everything is progressing well with the leg that had the bypass, but now the other leg has been bothering him. Please, Jesus, have mercy on him. I pray that if he has something on the other leg that it's benign and that it can be resolved with a simple procedure either before I leave or after I return. I leave him in your hands.

I love You, Jesus!!!

July 28, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for clearing the way so we could enjoy that peaceful week back in 2013. It was a perfect vacation. We had a great time in New York and Connecticut, and a happy, relaxing time in Siesta Key. It was also bittersweet because it was our first vacation to Siesta Key without Rafi. It was also our last one because we have not returned.

On the day that we were leaving to New York, Chabeli found out that she passed her CPA exam with flying colors. I'm so proud of my girl. She's so smart and dedicated.

My dad's good leg had a small obstruction. Thank You, Jesus, that this time the doctors were able to resolve it with a peripheral angioplasty. He had to stay in the hospital a few days, but the obstruction was cleared and when You took him home, he left with both his legs. Thank You also because the procedure took place when I returned from Siesta Key.

My dad had to use walkers, canes and wheelchairs during his last three years here on earth, but thank You because he never lost his smile, his faith and his good spirits.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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