I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Friday, July 14, 2017

Letters to Heaven: The Seat of Wisdom

"St. Bernard and many Saints said that it was never, ever heard at any time or in any place that Mary refused to hear the prayers of her children on earth." The Power of One Hail Mary

July 14, 2009

Dear Lady, Seat of Wisdom:

You are in our house this week, for a short visit but a very powerful one. Ever since You arrived, I have felt such peace in our home.

I would like to entrust to You, my Dear Lady, my son Rafi who has been ill. Please intercede on his behalf. Carry my prayers to your Son, and ask Him to heal my dear son. Grant my son the serenity to accept the things that he cannot change, courage to fight his way to health and wisdom to know when he can run and when he needs to slow down.

Your Son is wisdom. Help us to obtain our wisdom from Him. You sat Him in your lap so many times, You carried Him in your arms and thus made a Seat for Him, hence You are the Seat of Wisdom. You are the Seat on which Jesus stands. Your hands hold Him up for all of us. We ask for His blessing. We pray for His wisdom to know what it is that we must do. We pray for His courage to continue our journey.

As You know, I have been a bit angry with your Son. I'm sorry Mama Mary for being angry at your Son. I know that Rafi's illness is not His fault. On Saturday, I went to confession at St. Louis. I was very lucky that it was Father Fletcher's turn because it was more of a spiritual direction than a confession. We talked about Rafi and all my fears. I told him that I was angry with God. He told me that God has broad shoulders. He also told me to pray to the Holy Spirit and to ask for the spirit of fear to leave me.

Afterwards, I went to the Blessed Sacrament to spend some time alone with your Son. I was staring at the host, asking your Son to reveal himself to me. Instead of seeing your Son's image, I clearly saw the image of a monkey. I guess your Son has a sense of humor and He knew that I needed to laugh. Well, He succeeded. You have a very funny Son, Mama Mary.

I love You, Mama Mary, our Lady Seat of Wisdom!!! Please, pray for us.

July 14, 2017

Dear Mama Mary:

One of the best things that happened in 2009 was that I joined a Bible class at St. Louis. It was supposed to be just the one that was offered that summer, but I enjoyed it so much, that I have continued enrolling every single year from September to May. Even during tax season, I have managed to fit it into my tight schedule.

The Bible class has a traveling statue of You. It's your image of the "Seat of Wisdom." In the past eight years, You have spent many days at my home. And every time You come to visit, You bring us a lot of peace.

Thank You, Mama Mary, for taking care of my Rafi that fateful summer, and thank You for carrying my prayers to your Son. Thank You for giving us the wisdom to make the right decisions for him. Thank You for always walking by our side.

I love You, Mama Mary, our Lady Seat of Wisdom!!! Please, pray for us.

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