I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Leading our Children in the Right Direction

"I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you." Ezequiel 36:26

June 11, 2011

Dear Jesus:

Here I am, Lord, keeping You company in the Blessed Sacrament. I praise You and I love You, Father. Thank You for everything that You do for me. Thank You for taking care of all the issues in my life. Thank You for taking care of my family. Thank You because every time I have a lot going on, somehow You manage to make things better. You always help me to put things into perspective. I have the tendency to get overwhelmed and drown in a glass of water, but You always come to the rescue.

This week I have discovered things about Alex that have truly disappointed me. I found out that last year he was disrespectful to the senior counselor at the Belen Summer Camp and that is why he was not re-hired this summer. I also caught him in a lie yesterday. In the morning, I asked him, "Did the Heat win?" His answer was: "I don't know, I went to sleep." In the afternoon, he forgot about the lie. When he found out that he had gotten a perfect score in his Chemistry test, he said: "And it didn't affect me that I watched the entire game."

Please, Jesus, show Rafe and me the best way to punish him. We need to be tough with him and we need to teach him a lesson. Enlighten us so that we can bring him back to the right track. When we confronted him about what happened last year at the Belen Summer Camp, he said that he didn't like the senior counselor because he was strict. We need to teach him what strict truly is because he has no idea. Coach Barquin said it best: "We need to gear him towards becoming the good man that he is meant to become."

Please, Jesus, guide us.

I love You, Jesus!!!

June 20, 2011

Dear Jesus:

This weekend, Alex went to a Youth convention. This was a gift from You. The answer to my prayer nine days ago. You literally just placed it in Alex's path. Thank You for using Father Frank to lead him in the right direction. I just hope and pray to You that whatever message he receives this weekend takes root in his heart.

As far as the summer camp, I made him write a letter of apology to the Senior Counselor that he disrespected and to deliver it personally to Coach Barquin. Also, since he has no job for the summer, he will be my personal gardener. The hedges and ornamentals have gotten a lot of weed, so he will be weeding them. I think that's the biggest punishment that I could give him.

Please, Jesus, bring him back to You. Take him by the hand and lead him down the path of righteousness. 

I love You, Jesus!!!

June 28, 2011

Dear Jesus:

Alex went to the Youth Group last Sunday and he signed up to attend another retreat at the end of July. He seems to be very inspired by this new group so thank You, Jesus. When one door closes, another one opens. He couldn't work at the summer camp but You presented him with a better opportunity.

I love You, Jesus!!!

July 22, 2017

Dear Jesus:

Thank You for always leading our children in the right direction. Every time they take a wrong turn, somehow You gear them back to You. All of them have given us headaches at some point or another, especially the boys, but You always managed to teach them a lesson.

I pray for them today, that they find the way back to your Church. May they find a community that fills them and where they can better serve You. And please don't give up on them. I know they love You, they are just young and they feel that they can walk through life without You at the center. Please continue to lead them in the right direction. I pray that one day they realize, that You must always come first.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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