I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Letters to Heaven: My Defining Moment

“No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. . . . Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” —Joshua 1:5, 9

July 21, 2015

Dear Jesus:

Here I am, spending a few minutes with You in the Blessed Sacrament. You know the depth of my heart. You know my fears and worries. Please calm my anxiety, calm my fears, calm my worries. Please let me feel your peace.

In mass today, the first reading was about the crossing of the Hebrews through the Red Sea. Father Michael talked about trusting You. If You made the waters of the Red Sea part to save the chosen people, how can I doubt that You will take care of the situation that is keeping me awake at night?

He also talked about baptism. He said that when we were baptized with the waters of baptism which have a connection with the waters of the Red Sea, we became your chosen people. And just like You saved the Hebrews, You will save us too. You will take care of us. We can trust You.

Father Michael also told us to recall a small miracle in our lives. He said to remember that moment when I knew that I would never be the same. The defining moment when You touched me and I knew there was no turning back. Please help me to remember that one moment because I can think of a few but not a specific one.

One moment that is clearly engraved in my mind is when I met You as a Friend and as a Brother in Encuentros Juveniles (Youth Encounters). It was there that I developed a more personal relationship with You. Through Encuentros, I met Rafael, and we began our sacramental marriage on June 29, 1984, with You at the center. The first big obstacle we encountered was when I couldn't get pregnant. It only took us 17 months, but those were the longest 17 months of my life. But through it all, You were working and preparing us for Rafi. I believe that was the first miracle, not losing Rafi when my body tried to reject him. And then, You showed off by allowing me to become pregnant just three months after Rafi was born with Chabeli. She's my second miracle. 

The next miracle happened when Rafi was diagnosed with encephalitis at the age of two. What a huge miracle You performed on my baby boy. That was definitely my defining moment. I knew then without a doubt that You were in control of my children. At that moment, I knew that I didn't have to fear anything because You loved my children so much that You would take care of them. Since then, You have been in charge of every situation and You have calmed my worries and fears.

On Christmas Eve 1994, You sent us another miracle, the gift of Alex, our Christmas baby. And You were with us when at just 17 days, he had to undergo surgery to repair his pyloric stenosis. And You are with us now as he goes through another trial in his young life. You are in charge. You are in control. I have nothing to fear because You are by our side. Your love, peace and strength will sustain us as we walk through the valley of fear. You lead the way. We are surrounded by your army of angels. 

Please, Jesus, take the wheel and remain in the boat with us as we cross yet another storm.

I love You, Jesus!!!

July 30, 2017

Dear Jesus:

My defining moment when You touched me and I knew there was no turning back was definitely when You healed Rafi from the encephalitis. That was the miracle in our lives when I knew that I would never be the same. I knew at that moment that You were in charge, that You would take care of us if I placed my trust in You.

Thank You for always taking the wheel and remaining in the boat with us through every storm that we've ever had to face. Thank You for helping my children through every trial they've encounter in their young lives.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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