I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Letters to Heaven: My Sacred Garden

"In your prayer life, create a sacred space in your mind after asking the Holy Spirit to anoint your imagination. It could be a secret room. It might be a field of flowers... Any time you suppose that a problem will never cease, go back to your sacred space and meet again with Jesus." Terry Modica, 2009 Good News Reflections

May 22, 2009

Dear Jesus:

I'm in better spirits today, in spite of the fact that I have an awful stomach pain and there are no toilets that I can use in this house because of the plumbing destruction. I may need to pay a visit to a neighbor, unless You want to save me from the embarrassment and calm my stomach.

Terry Modica gave me a great idea in her "Good News Reflections." I need to create a sacred space in my mind. Please Holy Spirit, anoint my imagination so I can make it feel real and special.

I love water so my sacred space must be near the water. I'm thinking it should be a garden full of daisies with a nice wooden swing hanging from a tree. Next to the garden, there's a waterfall. The water falls into a natural pool of holy water. Rocks surround it, and there are beautiful colorful fish swimming in the pond. There are butterflies flying all around. You have built this place for me, in my mind. Now we must give it a name: "The Sacred Garden."

I am sitting in the swing writing to You, and You come to visit me. You sit beside me in the swing. You see my tears and You pass your arm around my shoulders. You don't need to say anything. I feel your love pouring out towards me.

I am so overwhelmed, Jesus, and at the same time, I feel so ungrateful because my problems are minuscule in comparison to others. Yes, Rafi has an illness for which there is no cure, but it is not terminal, it can be treated with medication. I always thought that my cross would be an illness to me, not to my children. You know, Jesus, if I could, I would take his place. But I know that I can't so I must carry this cross, asking You to help me bear it. Rafi, in turn, must carry his own cross and I cannot interfere. All I can do is ask You to give him the strength, the discipline, and the energy to carry it with dignity and perseverance. Please protect him from the biggest danger that could come as a result of the illness.

Jesus, You are my rock, my fortitude, and my confidante. I love You, Jesus, and I know that You love me more than I can possibly imagine. I know that You are taking care of this already, but I need You to guide me.

I'm leaving the Sacred Garden now. I'm leaving all my troubles with You. I need to get busy with the rest of my life.

I love You, Jesus!!!

July 1, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I have not visited You in the Sacred Garden in a long time. I had almost forgotten about it. We spent long hours together in that Sacred Garden. It was my oasis in the midst of a very terrifying time.

Thank You for taking care of my Rafi all these years. He has carried his cross with such discipline, dignity, strength and perseverance, that I know that You have helped him carry it. I have learned so much from my son and I am so humbled by him. Please continue to walk with him and protect him.

Oh, and thank You for calming my stomach. I didn't have to knock at a neighbor's door after all. That would have been so embarrassing.

I promise to visit You in the Sacred Garden soon.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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