I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Letters to Heaven: My Greatest Treasure

“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”—Matthew 6:20–21

July 1, 2014

Dear Jesus:

I am sitting in the balcony enjoying the view. This has been a wonderful week. First, my dad was finally discharged from the hospital. I sent a card with flowers, chocolates and balloons to all the nurses because they were truly amazing. I used to do little acts of kindness like that in the past and recently, I have lost my touch. I need to pick it up again. I can't allow life to get in the way of gratitude.

This morning I accompanied my mom to the doctor's office for my dad's cure. I wanted to weep when they removed the bandages. After removing the angiosarcoma from his scalp, the top of his head is practically gone. The doctor said it best, "his head is now like an open cookie jar." It looks pretty scary. I had to turn around. As I looked out the window, tears streaming down my face, I thought of You. Your wounds, Jesus, had to be ten times worst. After You were scourged, after they pushed those thorns into your scalp, after You were nailed to the cross... Your wounds had to be pretty awful. I'm sorry, Jesus, for all the times that I have failed to love You, and for all the times that I have sinned. My sins nail You to the cross over and over again.

Now, let me turn to happier thoughts. On Sunday, we celebrated our 30th anniversary, quite a milestone. Rafe asked Chabeli and Alex to come over to the apartment on Saturday because he had a surprise for me and he wanted them to be present. The four of us went to dinner to Matteo's Italian Restaurant. When we finished, we were discussing whether to take the leftovers home or leave them behind. Chabeli said she would take them. I asked her, "are you really going to eat that tomorrow?" And she blurted out, "If I don't eat it, Rafi can eat it." My reaction was, "Rafi? Did you say Rafi?" She got all nervous and said, "I meant dad."

It turned out that was my surprise. At midnight, Rafi and Emily showed up at the apartment. Que alboroto!!! It was awesome. They came all the way from California and they are here with me now. I'm ecstatic. It was the best anniversary/birthday gift I could have ever gotten. On Sunday, we all went to dinner to Gigi's on the Water. It was a great celebration.

Thank You, Jesus, for thirty wonderful years and for the fruits that were born from our marriage. They are my greatest treasure.

And Jesus, I want to pray for my dad. My heart weeps for him. Please help him carry his cross, endure the pain of his wounds and let his heart be purified so he can meet You in heaven when it´s time to take him home.

I love You, Jesus!!!

July 18, 2017

Dear Jesus:

My family is truly my greatest treasure. Spending time with them is the most precious gift, and since now it doesn't happen as often as I would like, when it does, I cherish it all the more. That week that we got to spend all together back in 2014 was truly awesome. It was a week long celebration.

I remember one night that we got caught in a huge storm. I had taken Rafi and Emily to Miami Beach to visit my parents. Rafi had a craving for "pastelitos," and there's a grocery store across from my parents' house that sells them. But the storm was so bad that crossing the street on foot was out of the question. It was so windy that even the umbrella would not have helped. We decided to take the car and go to Publix which had an undercover parking. The streets were so flooded that our car turned into a boat. But just being with them turned that mission into an adventure. We were able to get the guava pastries that Rafi and Emily love so much, we took them back to the apartment and stayed with my parents until the storm subsided. Thank You for allowing us to spend that extra time with my parents, especially with my dad whose life here with us was approaching its end.

On July 4th we had a huge party at the beach apartment. Many of our extended family members, including my parents, came over and we celebrated both our nation's birthday and mine. We got to see all the fireworks from our balcony. We could see them in all directions but the best display were the ones at the Aventura Golf Club.

It was a beautiful week, one that I will cherish forever and which thankfully was captured in pictures. Thank You, Jesus, for protecting Rafi and Emily as they traveled from and back to California to be with us. Thank You for protecting my family always. Thank You for my greatest treasure and for the memories we made together.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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