I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Calming the Storm

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." —COLOSSIANS 3:15

June 19, 2013

Dear Jesus:

Here I am, Lord, patiently waiting at the rehab center. The last week has been frustrating to say the least. I know that I need to place my trust in You but I also know that I have to do my part to get things resolved. 

I guess the timing for breaking my knee turned out to be perfect. Originally, I didn't think so, but it has forced me to be at the rehab center with my dad for long periods of time, due to the fact that I cannot drive. This has been a blessing in disguise because if I had not been here, they would have left my dad in bed all day long without a care in the world.

This past week has taught me that when push comes to shove, I can stand my ground and fight an entire health system if I need to. One morning, when I arrived at the rehab center and found that my dad was still in bed, with the breakfast by his side getting cold because no one had bothered to help him with it, and he told me that his sugar level had been at 50, I stormed downstairs with my crutches and my broken knee. I walked into the social worker's office and let him have a peace of my mind.

The therapy was another ordeal. At first, they kept forgetting to put him on the schedule, so I had to complain every time so they would find a spot for him. By now, they already know me at the gym. I guess I have done my own share of therapy walking up and down the hallways of this rehab center. My heart goes out to the patients that don't have anyone to fight for them. My dad's roommate spends most of his time in bed. I am yet to see someone come to visit him. He's relying on me to get what he needs.

It's been such a nightmare, that by the second day we knew that we had to get him out of here. Honestly, he's better off at home. He was supposed to be discharged yesterday but it did not happen because there is a lot of red tape in the process. However, it looks like it will happen in a couple of days. He will be having nursing care at home and outpatient therapy in a rehab center near his home.

Another issue that we've had is that the insurance denied the transportation. Most of the patients that are staying here get taken to their doctor's appointments by the rehab center's medical van. In our case, we had to take him ourselves. Between my mom, and me with my broken knee, this turned out to be quite a challenge. We even had to find our own wheelchair, which my mom was able to borrow from a friend. But with your help, Jesus, we have managed.

Yesterday, we took him to the surgeon. He was very happy with the way my dad's leg looks. Thank You, thank You, Jesus. If You had not placed all the Angels in our path, the outcome would have been totally different. I leave my dad in your hands, Jesus. Take care of him and protect him until You are ready to welcome him home.

Right now, my dad is in therapy. Of course, first I had to go down to speak to the supervisor because once again, he was not on the schedule. I'm in his room writing to You. I also started my therapy today. It was just for thirty minutes to move my leg to a 45 degree angle. It's supposed to be three times a week but for now, until my dad goes home, twice a week is enough. I can do the exercises on my own the rest of the time.

The part that is being the hardest for me is not being able to drive. I have scheduled my therapy sessions at 6:30 in the morning so Rafe can take me and pick me up before he goes to work. Yesterday, my friend Gloria brought me to the rehab center. Today, it was Joan who did me the favor. Thank You for these angels and for teaching me that is fine to ask for help.

The kids have been absolutely wonderful throughout this whole ordeal. They have been driving me everywhere when they are not at work. Chabeli has been taking care of the meals at home. She's doing the groceries and she's cooking. Thank You for giving me such amazing children.

Rafe has been supportive in his own unique way. He's been repairing a lot of things at home that needed to be done. He has gone to Publix with Chabeli. He has taken me to the office and other places that I've needed to go to. He even gave up his Father's Day so I could spend it with my dad. He wanted to go down to the Keys for lunch, but instead, he had to settle with spending the day at the rehab center. He has truly been amazing, but unfortunately, we have also had our share of fights. I know it's been mostly my fault because my stress level has been stretched to the limit, so I snap at him very easily. But also, it has not helped that when You were distributing patience, You forgot to give some to him. It doesn't take much to set off the storm.

Please Jesus, let your Peace reign in our home once more. Teach me how to calm the storm.

I love You, Jesus!!!

July 16, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I guess when we are under stress, it's very easy to lose it. That was one tough summer for our marriage. In the midst of everything that was going on, we were constantly at each other's neck. And most of our fights were for complete stupidity. If he would tell me something like "we are running out of toothpaste, add it to your list," I would snap at him with "obviously I can't drive so what's the point of adding it to my list." That would be enough to set off a hurricane.

This was also the year that my in-laws both passed away. I have always heard that one of the stages of grieving is anger. Rafe was grieving, and he seemed to be stuck in this stage for the entire summer. We couldn't exchange three words without ending up in a fight.

Thank You, Jesus, for showing us how to calm the storm. Thank You for saving our marriage, over and over and over. We would not be married today if You had not pulled us through the storms.

And thank You, Jesus, for giving me three additional years with my dad.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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