I'm a little pencil

I'm a little pencil

Monday, July 31, 2017

Letters to Heaven: Pour my Love on You

"Let my love enfold You, oh Lord. Let me pour my love on You. Let me sit still in the light of your presence so I can love You with all my heart."

July 31, 2009

Dear Jesus:

Today we were tourists in Miami. Three generations spending time together: my mom, Rafi, and me. We went to Bayside and we took a boat tour through the bay. We cruised through a few islands, and saw beautiful houses, like the ones owned by the Estefan's, Julio Iglesias and Shaquille O'Neal. We had lunch together and enjoyed our beautiful city. 

Alex finished summer camp today. He really enjoyed it. The only bad thing that happened was that his phone got stolen. Oh well, in the overall scheme of things, it's just a phone. But for a 14-year-old, it's important. He was pretty upset about it. I did not allow him to get a new phone because he needs to learn to be more careful. He's lost too many phones already. He needs to mature and be more responsible before I allow him to get a fancy phone. For the time being, I gave him an old phone. Physically, he's getting big. He's taller than me already. He's also Mr. Popular. He has a lot of friends, and is constantly going out. How did my little boy get so big so fast? Please, Jesus, keep him safe always.

Chabeli continues to work at UM. She's very happy with her life right now. She has a good group of friends, a nice boyfriend and she is enjoying this summer tremendously. She's happy so I'm happy.

Thank You, Jesus, for my three children. I cherish them with all my heart. Each one of them has made my life better. They have each brought a special ingredient. You poured your love on each of them when You created them.

I love You, Jesus!!!

July 31, 2017

Dear Jesus:

I want to pour my love on You.

You have been so good to me all my life. You gave me parents that always loved me. They always cared for me. You also gave me the best grandparents. They took care of me when my parents had to work. They were by my side all the time.

You gave me a husband, partner, and best friend. He has been walking by my side for 36 years. I love him with all my heart and I thank You for him every day.

You gave me three treasures which I love more than life.

You gave me You. I would be nothing without You. I love You, Lord. Let my love enfold You, oh Lord. Let me pour my love on You. Let me sit still in the light of your presence so I can love You with all my heart.

I love You, Jesus!!!

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